Here we describe the manufacture of an UHV compatible evaporator made by halogen lamp, which was used to evaporate metals onto the substrates.


  • Very cheap
  • Very Simple
  • Easy to use

  • Just buy several halogen lamps from Taobao. Cut the top and make a small hole. Cut the metal wires like copper or gold to ~5mm and put it inside the tunsgen wire.

  • Mount the modified halogen lamp to a CF35 feedthrough.( Please note that the length of the feedthrough should fit with the chamber. )

  • Put the assembly into loadlock chamber and pump for 2 hours until the vacuum reaches to 10e-7mbar. Then power the lamp by a DC powersupply.Slowly increase the current and look the lamp carefully until the glass shield is cover by copper(or gold) then stop the power.

  • The following picture shows a double source evaportor made by the ways mentioned above. After Step.3, remove the feedthrough from loadlock chamber and mount it into the UHV chamber where you want to use it.